Monday, December 29, 2014


Energy..... I can remember my old coach always saying " Fake it until make it" or "Faking it is contagious"; I hated hearing it, because I didn't believe it at the time. I mean I was tired I just finish running a suicide, and the last thing any athlete wants to hear is Fake it until make it. As a coach when your players lack energy in practice, it really destroys that practice. Energy is the attribute that does not require skill, it requires a commitment to yourself, to your team, and to your coaches. I have seen players receive more playing time, because when they come in the game there like  a spark plug. They create so much energy that their teammates only choice is to join in on the fun. You are not too cool to have energy, talk trash, or simply get your teammates motivated. Energy is starts with you, and it does not require skill only commitment. Commit to your team by being the spark plug.

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