Monday, January 26, 2015

Kobe bryant on Mentally Tough

Kobe Bryant has been called the hardest worker of our time.. Check out this video on how he does it.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Preparation; Kobe bryant work ethic

My coach college always put this quote in the front of my notebook: " Because the will to win is not nearly has important as the will to prepare to win".  I did not take an interest in this quote until I became a collegiate coach. Preparation is everything; scouting, recruiting, practice, marketing, etc. It is interesting the time frame in which we understand the concept of preparation. As young student athletes we watch professional players without understanding the preparation and work ethic it takes to get to that professional level. I used to feel this generations of athletes just do not understand what it takes, and that is there fault, but now we have to provide you with every tool to aid your development as basketball player.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Skill development

6 keys to Quality Skill Development 

🏀Practice at a rate equal to or faster than the speed of the game.

🏀Understand there is a process to improve.

🏀You must be in shape, to practice effectively
     -conditioning, effective practicing, improvement

🏀Eliminate your workout killers

🏀Have players looking forward to coming to the gym

🏀Theory of 2
      -2 min I can show you any skill in the game
       - 7 days a week, 2 weeks to practice it properly
       -2 months before it can be used in the game

Derrick Rose on Commitment

Derrick rose article on Commitment

I personally think it's very brave to be commited to yourself , and what is best for you, and have the loyalty of your program behind you because of your commitment in your work ethic. 

Sunday, January 4, 2015


2015 is a new year, and everyone has their new commitments, new characteristics you want to incorporate in life, but the reality is simple. Take your time and really think about what you want. Everybody wants playing time, or  hit the game winning shot,  or be in the line up to get the game winning stop. These are great, and you will feel a since of gratification, but they are temporary. In order to fully be committed to your season you have to be committed to the process, and it takes a great amount of maturity to understand and enjoy the process. If you want something you never had lets commit to it this year.